The Screenagers Podcast

Brain Biology And Preventing Excessive Video Gaming

Why do some kids and teens get overly frustrated and bored when it’s time to turn off their video games? How to know when game playing has become excessive? What are tips that all families should know for ensuring healthy video game play? In today’s episode of The Screenagers Podcast, Dr. Delaney Ruston explores these issues along with a new model of brain biology to help explain irritability and boredom associated with video gaming. We hear from teens along with psychiatrist Dr. Clifford Sussman who specializes in helping young people regain tech balance. We also hear from Andrew Fulton who was in the film, Screenagers, when he was getting treatment at an internet rehab center, and is now working at the same center helping others recover from videogame overuse.

Additional Links

Andrew in this episode works at the internet recovery center called  reStart

To learn more about Dr. Clifford Sussman, go to his website.
Dr. Sussman et al.,  Internet and Video Game Addictions: Diagnosis, Epidemiology and Neurobiology.

Here are links to some Tech Talk Tuesdays’ articles about video games:

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