Screenagers Events

Hosting A Successful Screenagers Event

Lisa Tabb
June 10, 2021

We made the Screenagers movies to be shown in group community settings such as schools, places of worship, workplaces and more. It is our belief and now experience from over 10,000 events, that communities coming together to watch, learn from and discuss our movies together, is the most beneficial to all. 

One of the biggest learnings from community screenings is that watching together helps groups realize that the challenges depicted in the movies affect us all to a certain extent. Common feedback from events goes something like this;

"It is such a relief to realize it's not just me that feels this way"
"I didn't realize most families find this a challenge"
"It is helpful to learn from the experiences of others in my community"

In over 5 years we have seen all types of screening events from small group and classroom screenings — right up to large conference and film festival screenings and whilst hosts are welcome to tailor their event to their particular needs, the typical Screenagers event consists of a group screening of one of our movies, followed by a Q&A or discussion session right after. 

Our team are experienced in helping hosts of all types put on engaging and thoughtful events. Let us share with you the steps to putting on your own successful Screenagers event, along with some of our most helpful tips!

1. Making an Inquiry

The best way to get more information is to fill in an inquiry form on our website. Within minutes you will be sent more information on hosting, with price information and host requirements. One of our expert team will then follow up with you in the days after via email to see if you need any further information or to discuss your needs. 

If you prefer to speak to somebody first, you can always call us directly at 415-450-9585 or schedule a call at a convenient time for you here.

2. Types of In-Person Events

With over 10,000 hosts screening our movies to more than 5 million people, our team are experienced in helping hosts put on all types of Screenagers events, with some of the most common types being;

  • School Community Screening

Our most commonly seen event is where a school would host a screening event, usually in the evening for their student, parent and teacher communities with some schools selling tickets as a fundraising activity. 

A moderator or host would welcome guests, introduce the movie and then host a Q&A / Discussion session right after with a panel of guest speakers. Some schools take the option to have the Screenagers filmmaker, Delaney Ruston, MD attend to speak and answer questions, please inquire about her fees.

Then, the schools often show the movie(s) in their classrooms or in an assembly. One day-time school screening (whether that’s in all the classrooms or in an assembly) is  included in the license.

  • Place of Worship / Community Group Screening

Very similar to a school community screening, but with a different venue and audience. Some groups where they don't have a suitable venue or have large numbers will rent an empty screen at a local theatre (which is much easier and cost-effective to do than you think!)

  • Workplace Screenings

A good number of workplaces have hosted screenings of our movies for their employees and families. This is done during lunch hours, or after work with the families invited, or even virtually.

  • Film Festival / Conference Screenings

Our movies continue to be shown regularly at local film festivals and educational, PTA, medical and mental health professional conferences. Our team have lots of experience in attending and helping hosts to run great post-screening discussion events too. 

  • Classroom Screenings

A school or university classroom screening with around 30 or fewer people. Usually, a group of this size would have a group discussion afterwards rather than a full Q&A with a panel. If needed, we offer a shorter edit of the movie to suit classroom timings.

  • Professional Development

Screened as part of a professional development course or education, common with school faculties, educators and healthcare professionals. Typically a smaller group with a discussion session afterwards rather than a full Q&A. 

3. Venue Selection 

A lot of hosts will use their own facilities to host their events — think school halls, theaters, churches, synagogues, mosques etc. Others will rent suitable local venues such as conference rooms or movie theaters. 

Either way, the important things to consider are having enough room for all your attendees, (Particularly if social distancing rules are in effect where you are) and that the venue is comfortable and suitable to screen our movies at 63 and 67 minutes long. 

Most guests choose to stream the movie via a secure website link we provide, but we can if needed, provide a returnable DVD copy for your event, or a DCP for a movie theater.

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4. Booking 

Once you know the type of event you want to run, have identified a suitable venue and have all the information you need from our team, the next step is to book your event with us. 

Let the member of our team you are dealing with know you are ready to proceed and they will send you a simple booking form to confirm. We are flexible on payment terms depending on the needs of your organization and can accept payment in advance or payment via invoice after your event. 

*Also, Dr. Ruston has a book Parenting In The Screen Age: A Guide To Calm Conversations. You can order books at a discount to sell at your event, we’ll even take returns.

5. Marketing Your Event

Now you are booked, you need to make sure that you market your event to your community! We would recommend you start to promote your event no later than 2-6 weeks before the date to allow people enough time to plan their schedules. 

We will provide access to our marketing guide which will give you ideas and example plans for marketing your event, along with access to a range of posters, social media graphics, imagery, activities and assets to help you spread the word. 

Where you are also running a ticketed event we will free of charge set up an online ticketing system for you where guests can reserve and buy tickets and you can track sales and progress. 

6. Event Day

It's finally here — the day of the event! While most of the hard work is already done there are a few things we'd recommend you do to make sure your event goes off without a hitch. 

  • Check and double-check your equipment! Whether streaming the movie or using DVD, run a final check at least an hour before people start arriving. On the rare occasion that something isn't working right, this way you have some time to fix it! (Don't forget to test any microphones you might be using for a Q&A Session). Also, have someone stand in different locations in your venue to make sure the volume levels are suitable. 

  • Ask any panelists or speakers to arrive 20-30 minutes before the start time to personally welcome them and brief them (using the moderators guide we provide) on the sorts of topics that will be discussed. Don't forget to have some small bottles of water available for any speakers. 

  • Who's helping out and what are their roles? Make a brief plan in the days before of what each of your team helping will be doing. Who is checking tickets? Do people need help finding their seats? Who is taking care of setting up the screening and pressing "play" at the right time? Figure these things out ahead of your event for the minimum of stress on the day.

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Available now - Parenting in the Screen Age, from Screenagers filmmaker Delaney Ruston MD

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Community Screenings - Learn more about hosting your own Screenagers community screening event!

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Free Book Preview - Download a free preview of "Parenting In The Screen Age" by Delaney Ruston, MD

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7. Your Screenagers Event!

Most events have 3 distinct phases.

  • An introduction:
  • Have the event host or moderator welcome all guests. Give a quick overview of why you are having this event and remind them (if applicable) of the Q&A / Discussion session happening after so guests don't begin to leave as the credits roll. Don't forget to cover off any important health and safety info such as fire exits and procedures. 

  • The movie screening: 
  • Dim the lights, press play and enjoy! Our movies run for 60-70 minutes

  • Post screening Discussion / Q&A: 
  • Before the event, we provide a moderators guide with advice on running a session and example questions and discussion points. Whether the host or a specific moderator, introduce guests to this part of the event and explain how it will work for discussion and asking questions. 
  • If you have any panelists or speakers, introduce them and invite them to the stage/front of the venue. Depending on the size of the venue, consider setting up a microphone in an aisle where guests can come to ask questions or have someone with a portable mic to move amongst the audience. 

If you are selling books, don't forget to set them up a point where people can buy a copy and remind your guests on their way out. Also, encourage people to sign up for our Tech Talk Tuesdays newsletter on the Screenagers website where they can also find many additional resources — At the end of the event, don't forget to wish your guests a safe journey home, and give any details of any follow-up activities or events you may be conducting. 

8. After the Event

Be sure to follow up on your event with your community. We see so many hosts and guests excited to continue the conversation and ever more creative ways to do so afterwards. Some common ideas include;

  • Social media post with event photographs
  • Classroom sessions to discuss what was learnt
  • Provide guests with follow up resources on the subject (we have plenty of links and resources on our website) and our weekly Tech Talk Tuesday blog.
  • Pledging - many hosts encourage guests to join them in pledging to make positive changes based on what was learnt. Again we provide many resources here
  • A film or book club - focused on related media or literature
  • - Screenagers own initiative to help transform schools into cell-phone free environments. 

As well as our weekly blog, we publish videos like this one every week on the Screenagers YouTube channel

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Available now - Parenting in the Screen Age, from Screenagers filmmaker Delaney Ruston MD

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Available now - Parenting in the Screen Age, from Screenagers filmmaker Delaney Ruston MD

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Free Book Preview - Download a free preview of "Parenting In The Screen Age" by Delaney Ruston, MD

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Available now - Parenting in the Screen Age, from Screenagers filmmaker Delaney Ruston MD

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Community Screenings - Learn more about hosting your own Screenagers community screening event!

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Free Book Preview - Download a free preview of "Parenting In The Screen Age" by Delaney Ruston, MD

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Screenagers Events

Hosting A Successful Screenagers Event

Lisa Tabb
June 10, 2021

We made the Screenagers movies to be shown in group community settings such as schools, places of worship, workplaces and more. It is our belief and now experience from over 10,000 events, that communities coming together to watch, learn from and discuss our movies together, is the most beneficial to all. 

One of the biggest learnings from community screenings is that watching together helps groups realize that the challenges depicted in the movies affect us all to a certain extent. Common feedback from events goes something like this;

"It is such a relief to realize it's not just me that feels this way"
"I didn't realize most families find this a challenge"
"It is helpful to learn from the experiences of others in my community"

In over 5 years we have seen all types of screening events from small group and classroom screenings — right up to large conference and film festival screenings and whilst hosts are welcome to tailor their event to their particular needs, the typical Screenagers event consists of a group screening of one of our movies, followed by a Q&A or discussion session right after. 

Our team are experienced in helping hosts of all types put on engaging and thoughtful events. Let us share with you the steps to putting on your own successful Screenagers event, along with some of our most helpful tips!

1. Making an Inquiry

The best way to get more information is to fill in an inquiry form on our website. Within minutes you will be sent more information on hosting, with price information and host requirements. One of our expert team will then follow up with you in the days after via email to see if you need any further information or to discuss your needs. 

If you prefer to speak to somebody first, you can always call us directly at 415-450-9585 or schedule a call at a convenient time for you here.

2. Types of In-Person Events

With over 10,000 hosts screening our movies to more than 5 million people, our team are experienced in helping hosts put on all types of Screenagers events, with some of the most common types being;

  • School Community Screening

Our most commonly seen event is where a school would host a screening event, usually in the evening for their student, parent and teacher communities with some schools selling tickets as a fundraising activity. 

A moderator or host would welcome guests, introduce the movie and then host a Q&A / Discussion session right after with a panel of guest speakers. Some schools take the option to have the Screenagers filmmaker, Delaney Ruston, MD attend to speak and answer questions, please inquire about her fees.

Then, the schools often show the movie(s) in their classrooms or in an assembly. One day-time school screening (whether that’s in all the classrooms or in an assembly) is  included in the license.

  • Place of Worship / Community Group Screening

Very similar to a school community screening, but with a different venue and audience. Some groups where they don't have a suitable venue or have large numbers will rent an empty screen at a local theatre (which is much easier and cost-effective to do than you think!)

  • Workplace Screenings

A good number of workplaces have hosted screenings of our movies for their employees and families. This is done during lunch hours, or after work with the families invited, or even virtually.

  • Film Festival / Conference Screenings

Our movies continue to be shown regularly at local film festivals and educational, PTA, medical and mental health professional conferences. Our team have lots of experience in attending and helping hosts to run great post-screening discussion events too. 

  • Classroom Screenings

A school or university classroom screening with around 30 or fewer people. Usually, a group of this size would have a group discussion afterwards rather than a full Q&A with a panel. If needed, we offer a shorter edit of the movie to suit classroom timings.

  • Professional Development

Screened as part of a professional development course or education, common with school faculties, educators and healthcare professionals. Typically a smaller group with a discussion session afterwards rather than a full Q&A. 

3. Venue Selection 

A lot of hosts will use their own facilities to host their events — think school halls, theaters, churches, synagogues, mosques etc. Others will rent suitable local venues such as conference rooms or movie theaters. 

Either way, the important things to consider are having enough room for all your attendees, (Particularly if social distancing rules are in effect where you are) and that the venue is comfortable and suitable to screen our movies at 63 and 67 minutes long. 

Most guests choose to stream the movie via a secure website link we provide, but we can if needed, provide a returnable DVD copy for your event, or a DCP for a movie theater.

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